We have been busy making some labelled containers to help the children at our school learn the correct places where our food scraps should go. These will be kept by the recycling station and one set by Korimako.
In the worm farm we can put things like apple cores, banana peel , tea bags and most vegetable scraps. They don’t like anything acidic like oranges, pineapple or tomatoes. They also don't like bread, meat or dairy products.
In the compost we can put the orange peels and pineapple skin that the worms don't like.
We definitely can’t put any plastic, glad wrap, chip packets or snap lock bags in these. These would hurt the worms and won’t grow very tasty plants!
We think that we should really try hard not to waste food either. Most of our food should be going in our tummies or be taken home if we don't eat it.
Brilliant idea. 😍 We all need reminders and this will be really helpful for everyone. Mrs.R.