Term 1
Kia ora and welcome back to another year of school life. We trust you enjoyed your holiday and had plenty of fun times with family and friends - now back to reality. This term especially is loaded with a whole lot of amazing stuff; Pedalmania, school camp, two lots of swimming and the Life Education bus coming to us. Plenty for the children to sink their teeth into.
The focus for this term is ‘The Power Within Me’, which looks at our children taking an active role in their learning- developing their initiative, being motivated (internally), showing commitment to the work they are doing or the activity they are participating in and overall showing responsibility for themselves and their actions. We would also like to encourage all our children to make the most of the opportunities offered to them this year and get involved in the myriad of activities that include Jump Jam, Enviro Group, Kapa Haka, Band, Dance, Choir, PAL’s leaders ,Sports shed monitors and librarians.
What's On This Term?
31st Jan -First day of Term 1 2017/ Pedalmania
1st Feb- Year 7&8 Technology in Rangiora begins.
6th Feb Waitangi Day Observance
7th Feb- Meet the Teachers Evening.
23rd Feb- Senior School Swimming Sports 12:30-2:30pm
27th Feb- Rakau leave to go on school camp
3rd March- Rakau come home from school camp.
21st -24th March- Life Education
17th April- End of Term 1
18th April- Good Friday(School Closed)
Kapa Haka - continues each Monday morning throughout the term.
North Canterbury Sport - is provided every second Tuesday (odd weeks).
Year 7&8 Technology - continues each Wednesday morning at Rangiora Borough.
Assembly- will now be on a Friday afternoon from 2:25pm (alternating between classes and school council)
What's On This Term?
31st Jan -First day of Term 1 2017/ Pedalmania
1st Feb- Year 7&8 Technology in Rangiora begins.
6th Feb Waitangi Day Observance
7th Feb- Meet the Teachers Evening.
23rd Feb- Senior School Swimming Sports 12:30-2:30pm
27th Feb- Rakau leave to go on school camp
3rd March- Rakau come home from school camp.
21st -24th March- Life Education
17th April- End of Term 1
18th April- Good Friday(School Closed)
Kapa Haka - continues each Monday morning throughout the term.
North Canterbury Sport - is provided every second Tuesday (odd weeks).
Year 7&8 Technology - continues each Wednesday morning at Rangiora Borough.
Assembly- will now be on a Friday afternoon from 2:25pm (alternating between classes and school council)
Nice to see the blog again and to find out what is ahead for a busy group of learners. I look forward to future updates. Mrs R