Tuesday, 30 May 2017


We have been exploring algebraic patterns with shapes and numbers.  We have found it really useful to use the equipment to help us understand our thinking.  Thank you Mrs Graham for helping us!

 We discovered by moving these patterns together we could make squares which helped us to understand about square numbers.

 Recording our mathematical thinking is important in helping us to understand  and explain what we have done.  

We  began to see that some numbers stay  the same and that we can use this to help us work out  how many match sticks or squares there would be in much larger numbers without building them.  We became multipliers as well!   This is why algebra is so important. 

10 Tips on how to save Water by Olivia and Emmeline

We have been reading about why water is important to us and how we can save it . We have put together some tips on how you could save water at your place!

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Future Electrical Engineers and Electricians!

Today we began our exploration of how to create electrical circuits. We created circuits using wires, batteries, switches, lights and speakers. 
We discovered what helped make bulbs glow brighter  and what happens if we add more lightbulbs to a circuit.
We used problem solving skills to figure out how to get the lights to glow and speakers to work.  We had lots of great discussion between children about what might help and what may be the issue!
 We found that certain material conduct electricity  and some don't. 
We also learnt about the scientific symbols used for drawing circuits.  
Next week we will have a go at more of the experiments and hopefully learn to create a battery using fruit to power up a light!

Sunday, 21 May 2017

School Cross Country

On Friday we held our school cross country at the Marshall-Lees place.  Luckily the anticipated rain and cold weather stayed away and we were fortunate enough to have the sun shining on us for the afternoon.  

Well done to everyone who gave their best today and to those who will go onto compete in the tri schools competition in just over a weeks time- good luck!

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Static Electricity

Today in Rakau we began exploring the concept of static electricity.  
We  had lots of fun with the practical experiments and seeing how to create and use static electricity.

We had  fun using static electricity to:
  • bend water
  •  separate salt and pepper
  • make plates hover in the air
  • create crazy hair styles
  • create moving snakes
  • roll a can without touching it
  • repel balloons
  • collect dust, paper and other fine object

 We discovered that Static Electricity has several practical uses including:
  • in photocopiers where the static electricity charges attract the ink to the paper.
  • in paint sprayers and filters
  • in dust removal.
We also learnt that some electronic chips and devices don't like static electricity and need special bags to protect them!

We look forward to discovering more about electricity next week when we work out how to create circuits, make likes work  and what conducts electricity. 

Safe Cycling

Last week we were lucky to have Constable Ken come to school. He helped us to learn about cycle safety. 

We learnt how to correctly fit our helmets using the 2: 4:1 rule. 

We know what we need to check on our bikes to make sure that they are safe to ride. We checked our brakes, gears, tyres and pedal reflectors.

We know that it is a very good idea to wear bright coloured clothing when on our bikes so all road users can see us. 

We found out where we need to ride on the road and how to use the road rules when we are biking. We also learnt about what hazards we need to watch out for. 

On Thursday we practiced our skills at school on the courts and field. We had to know how to safely stop and ride behind others. 

On Friday we took the roads to use our skills. We really enjoyed the experience and are now aware how different it is to ride on the road than it is in other environments. 

We have to concentrate on what we are doing all the time! 

We know that it is important that we still have our families with us when we are biking on the roads. We all need lots of practice with adults supervising us.

Thank you to Mr Mullan and Fiona who biked with us around the block. 

This was a really worthwhile programme!