Creativity and creative thinking are essential skills for everyone to develop, no matter whether you want to be a scientist, engineer, medical researcher, business entrepreneur, writer, illustrator, artist, chef, designer, teacher or builder. Creativity helps us use our imaginations and to think outside of the square to problem-solve, create and communicate in new and innovative ways.
Over the last couple of weeks Kowhai have enjoyed opportunities to explore their artistic sides.
They have enjoyed creating patterns by drawing and using a variety of lines, shapes and colours. They are very effective and each one has a unique pattern.
Crazy Easter Bunnies using felts and pencils!
Beautiful Pastel Love Hearts!
We have really enjoyed our 2 weeks of the Wai Swim Programme at Dudley.
It has been great to see the progress that children have been making with such an intensive 2 week block of swimming!
Next week we will share some of our learning about Anzac Day.
We will have a school Anzac service on Thursday.